Certificates and Copies

The Clerk’s Office fulfills requests for certified and noncertified copies of business entity documents on file in its office. It also issues certificates of good standing, certificates of fact, and certificates to adjust property title records in circuit courts, which may be needed because of a business entity name change, merger, conversion or domestication.

Certificates - Instant Download
The following certificates can be downloaded instantly online via the Clerk's Information System (CIS).

Each certificate costs $6 to download from the CIS.

Certified Copies - Instant Download
Certified copies of business entity documents filed in the Clerk’s Office are available online for $6.00 per request. There are no additional costs for additional pages when requested through CIS. If all images are available, certified images are done in real time. If any images need to be retrieved by staff, your request will go in-house for fulfillment and be returned by email. 

Noncertified Copies - Instant Download
Images of various business entity documents filed in the Clerk’s Office are available through the CIS at no charge. For instructions, see the how-to guide for downloading images of business documents.

Images of business entity documents filed on and after January 1, 1997 are generally available. Documents that may have been submitted to the Clerk’s Office but were not accepted for filing or were subsequently withdrawn are not available online to the public.

Conditions of Use

Noncertified copies provided through the CIS are "unofficial" and provided only for public convenience. Images are not to be described or construed as being a certified copy of any document filed with the State Corporation Commission (SCC), or a certification as to the existence or nonexistence of any fact appearing in a document filed with the SCC, or as having the legal effect of any such copy or certification.

The user shall not, expressly or impliedly, state that the reproduction, disbursement, distribution, or preparation of derivative works of the images or the information therein has been done under the authorization of the SCC.

Assessing the accuracy and reliability of an image or information obtained from an image is solely the responsibility of the user. The SCC shall not be responsible or liable for any errors or damages resulting from the use of the image or information.

Paper Copies

To obtain a certificate or a copy of a document by mail, please mail or deliver written request to the Clerk’s Office with a check payable to “State Corporation Commission” for the appropriate fees to:

Mailing Address Physical Address
Clerk’s Office, State Corporation Commission
PO Box 1197
Richmond VA 23218
Clerk’s Office, State Corporation Commission
Tyler Building, 1st Floor
1300 E. Main St.
Richmond VA 23219


Item Fee
Noncertified Copy of Documents 25 or fewer pages: no charge
  26 through 50 pages: $10.00
  51 or more pages: $20.00
Certification of Documents $6.00 per document in addition to per-page copy fees above *Additional per-page fees do not apply to online requests
Good Standing Certificates (Corporations only) $6.00 each
Certificates of Fact $6.00 each
Property Title Record Certificates $6.00 each

To obtain the number of pages in a document so you can properly calculate the payment, please contact the Clerk’s Office at (804) 371-9733 or toll-free at 1-866-722-2551.